Latin America’s Anti-corruption Compliance - Risks and Challenges
Latin American countries are facing serious economic challenges from negative growth, high unemployment, limited social mobility and an increasing wealth gap. They also continue struggling with high levels of violence, and a perception that corruption and impunity are worsening, making these issues the public’s primary concerns and focus of its scrutiny. The COVID pandemic has increased financial and economic pressures on governments and companies in the region, increasing incentives and opportunities for fraud and corruption.Companies doing business in the region should be aware of regional and country specific compliance challenges, risks and applicable government requirements to properly adapt their internal control and compliance programs. This event will address ways to manage these challenges, best practices to consider and relevant guidance based on current Latin American anti-corruption efforts and the most recent U.S. Department of Justice guidelines and enforcement actions.
Please join our panelists as they delve into a number of aspects involved, including:
- Potential corruption risks and challenges companies face when doing business in Latin America
- What governments and companies are doing to address these risks and challenges
- How is the COVID-19 pandemic affecting these efforts
- How to enhance your compliance control environment to avoid potential corrupt practices and minimize other non-compliance risks
Our list of featured panelists includes:
• Marc A. Bohn, Senior Counsel, Anti-Corruption Compliance – VF Corporation
• Marianne Ibrahim, Director Global Compliance – Baker Hughes Company
• Jose Martin, Of Counsel – Squire Patton Boggs
• Alberto Orozco, Partner – PwC Cyber, Privacy & Forensic Services
• Moderator: Paula Galhardo, Principal – Squire Patton Boggs
For more information and registration Click here
Date and Time
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
For more information and registration Click here
Webinar access details will be provided prior to August 27